
Sunday, June 28, 2015

Water Play- Day 2

So as I said last week, The Bug would be content to splash in a water table every day so I try to do as much water play as I can while still adding elements. Enter SPONGES!

 We took out most of the toys but he added a few back and I had left the water wheel because I wanted to allow him to keep exploring how to make it turn.
I showed him ONCE how to fill the sponge up with water and squeeze it over the wheel and he was delighted!

He got way more water into the wheel funnel causing much more turning by using the sponge.

And then he squeezed the water all over the floor (this is why Daddy made us move the sensory table for the summer out to the porch)

The sponges were a HUGE hit and he played even longer at the water table then he had the day before! If you don't have a space you can allow full water craziness, have towels all around and under your kiddo or use a bathtub/shower! Sponges don't care!

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Water Play- Day 1

So if you didn't know, I have a fish. I call him the Bug but oh man does this kid LOVE water! I am constantly changing up our daily structure to keep him engaged and adding sensory play right after breakfast has been awesome- he gets soaked, I take off his PJ's and throw on his clothes! Win, win seeing as toddler transitions are challenging!
We recently bought some sand/water toys on Amazon (We got this one.) And while it's a semi weird set (The water wheel and 2 tools are bigger/normal size, then the bucket, 3 molds, and 2 tools are mini), it has been great for the Bug!

We focused on scooping, pouring, and splashing!

He occasionally got the water to make the water wheel turn but usually poured the water too soon. 

He seriously would be content to just always have water but I like to change it up occasionally!

With older kids, you could work on getting water to the wheel, or use different size containers to do some measuring. Seeing as the Bug was trying to drink the water, we keep things simple!

PS. Happy Father's Day!!!

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Farm Footprints

We've been exploring playdoh a lot with the Bug as he moves past the stage of putting everything in his mouth (but it's not over, just slowed...)

He has also been interested in animal sounds so we made some animal footprints in our playdoh and made the sounds of the animals.

He spent a lot longer than I expected on this activity. We squished up the doh and re-rolled it out for more stamping!

Sunday, June 7, 2015

A Book of Friends!

The Bug LOVES the "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do You See?" book and it's companions so we decided to make our own with pictures of the Bug and all of his friends!

I tried to blur the names and got some weird reaction but basically you have 

Child 1, Child 1, Who do you see? I see Child 2 looking at me. 

In one version, I did it

I see Child 1 looking at me. Child 1, Child 1, Who do you see? 

so that Child 1's name and picture were on the same page to make it easier when the Bug turned the pages insanely fast...

If you don't have the ability to do this on a computer, it's just as easy to do with pictures and construction paper! Have fun with it- include pets, cousins, and anyone your child will enjoy seeing!