
Sunday, July 26, 2015

Homemade Liquid Watercolors

Ok, I am a "craft hoarder". I will literally save anything if it looks like it might be cool to use for a craft later and let's just say, my marker collection considering my only child isn't even 2 was out of control... And the Bug just bit the tips off... UGH!

So when I saw a liquid watercolor recipe, I went for it. I saved a small set of markers (the Bug has the classic colors and I have 2 other sets...) and divided the others into the 6 rainbow colors. I took the caps off and put the markers tip down into jars of water and let them sit.
Because these weren't dried out markers, I got bright colors pretty quickly but if I were using dried out markers, I would probably remove the ink from the plastic and cut it up in the water to get the colors out!

We use these paint cups (ours are Melissa and Doug and are pretty spill resistant!) so the Bug only has a small amount of liquid water color at a time...

But it's his new favorite thing for sure!

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Taste Safe Cloud Dough

So the Bug might be almost 18 months now but he's still securely in the oral phase of development meaning EVERYTHING still has a chance to go in his mouth... We have adapted numerous activities to be taste safe and I spend a lot of time playing WITH him so he understands a bit better.

Cloud Dough is super easy but most recipes call for baby oil which is not taste safe... so we use whatever cooking oil we have on hand! We've used coconut oil (melted of course), canola oil, olive oil, etc. The ratio is about 1 cup of flour to 1/8 cup of oil but it does vary a bit- you want moldable but not sticking to your hand like a damp sand!

We have an insane amount of "sensory table toys" ranging from miniatures (dinosaurs pictured) to traditional sand/water toys, and measuring cups. The things you add to any sensory table should be things that will help your child to explore and imagine!

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Do-a-Dot Paints

Have you seen these? They're basically bingo markers and they are a toddler favorite for sure! 
The Bug recently got an easel from Ikea (it's been a lot of trips thanks to a kitchen reno...) so we pulled out the dots he got for Christmas and worked on building some "writing muscles". Using a variety of writing instruments (or art instruments) such as crayons, chalk, etc  is really important to developing the muscles and coordination needed for writing! 

Note: markers don't actually make the list because they don't require pressure to make marks!

Angles and surfaces make a difference as does your child's position! Sitting in a chair, on the floor, and standing all teach different things as do drawing at a table, on the floor, or on an easel or wall! 

It can be tough with younger kids (the Bug is currently 18 months so I'm well aware!) to keep the art contained to paper so I recommend 1- get an easel or table that you don't expect to last through age 7 2- always place larger sheets of paper or plastic table cloths under art projects to contain the mess! We have the interconnecting foam mats (from Lowes) on the floor as well as the Ikea Malm easel and Ikea Lack table so that the Bug can be as messy as he needs to be to get a full experience out of his art! We also clean up afterwards- bonus that the spray bottle helps his fine motor skills which are what children use to do things like writing and tying shoes!

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Stacking Cups

The Bug and I have been focusing on "tot tray" time before we get dressed lately because it's the best time for us- he's ready to play and learn and I'm not exhausted from whatever my day throws at me!
I've been setting up a tot tray on his table every morning while he eats breakfast so I stacked these cups- he's working towards it!

I also showed him how to stack the cups inside each other (he is getting REALLY good at that!)

And we try to find the matching colors! Its amusing how he gets it easily sometimes but not all the time... Guess it's just a lucky guess!

Hope you all had a wonderful 4th of July!