
Monday, September 8, 2014

Spaghetti Bin

So we're always looking for things to put into the Bug's sensory bin (currently a mid size under bed box or a small storage box) that won't hurt him. His pincer grip is still developing but he has perfected the sweeping grip and getting anything and everything into his mouth!

Being a quarter Italian, spaghetti became a logical choice- we had tons because it's possibly my least favorite pasta. Because the Bug isn't quite old enough to care, I decided dying it was unnecessary and threw him into the sensory bin with the spaghetti once it had cooled!

We have a special set of sensory table toys so I gave him some to explore with the spaghetti. The strainer is currently his favorite thing to hold!

He wasn't quite sure what to think but as he shook it off his hand... it ended up going everywhere!

Then his true best friend, the cat came over to see what was going on. They have a love/hate relationship where the Bug ALWAYS loves the cat and the cat either loves the attention or hates being attacked...

So of course, the Bug tried to share some spaghetti with the cat and the cat ate it...

After a LONG 20 minutes of focus, the Bug started to get bored and this is the result.

Clean up was easy and the Bug seriously enjoyed it for longer than he normally does! It was easy and the cleanup wasn't too bad (there was spaghetti stuck on the rug but once it dried, it was easy to pick up.) The Bug did need a rinse afterwards!

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