
Monday, October 6, 2014

Pulling Up

The Bug started pulling up around 7 months and went crazy with it a few weeks later. Hubby is extremely creative but in a technical way so upon seeing another families PVC pull up bar, he went downstairs to his shop and created one for the Bug. It got a revamp lowering the bar a bit and adding the ramp (in hindsight we probably did not need to do both but now the Bug's shorter friends can take a turn!)
He crawls up the ramp...

And is too lazy to actually stand...

The next morning (love that milk drunk look...)

And he's got it (Note his feet back on the mat NOT on the ramp)

The reason I wanted the ramp (besides the obvious crawl up factor) was to launch cars off of. The Bug has been obsessed and of course I have no pictures because it all happens too fast but I line cars up at the top of his ramp and we push them down and he cackles with glee...

Considering it's made from leftovers, it isn't half bad! (I'm sorry I cannot give you technical dimensions of anything... It is an H shape on the bottom with the ramp coming down one side. Then the sides that hold the bar come up in the center and there's a bar across at the 12 inch mark...)

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