
Monday, November 17, 2014

So Many Toys, Oh My!

Despite my background in education and teaching preschool, I get overwhelmed by the best toys for kids on the market. The Bug is turning 1 in January so despite not having a birthday too close to Christmas, I'm feeling slightly overwhelmed at the prospect of adding more toys to his collection!

The Bug and ALL of his friends enjoy playing with, carrying around, and lighting up textured light up balls (we have gotten lots at Target). Balls are a great motor toys and they're versatile! We have a cardboard box with holes cut in the top so the Bug can push balls through the holes and they roll to the open side, ping pong ball runs made out of cardboard as well, and balance balls that help both Mommy and the Bug get in some core work!

He's got a huge construction area with all sorts of blocks and trucks already plus trains and a homemade train table for when he gets a little bit older. Construction areas combine gross and fine motor skills with pretend play and are fabulous for the 2 and up crowd- while the Bug loves wheels and knocking over towers Mommy builds, he doesn't spend too much time playing with these toys yet.

Gross motor toys were a huge part of the Bug's world over the last 4 months as he started crawling and then walking. He loves the play tunnel we got (we opted for a collapsible one that is longer then most free standing tunnels) and we have larger balls, a push toy, and pull up bar that all helped him to develop his balance for movement when he was ready.

Fine motor toys for this age are better homemade... We have 2 types of fine motor builders that are designed for "babies" and the Bug has no interest in them other than for eating. The toys I've made out of old containers though- he LOVES! He doesn't use them all to their full extent but check out homemade manipulatives to make from recycled materials!

Sensory toys are by far our very favorite thing! Not only does this kid spend longer playing in his sensory table then anywhere else in the house, he enjoys the sensory bottles and egg shakers that we've created as well!

The last thing we have on the Bug's toy shelf are instruments. Not only are we huge fans of dancing and singing but the Bug has got great rhythm! Music is an important part of language and early math development (wait WHAT?)

Rhythm is an early skill for math- you count the beats and that cadence really do help so make some instruments any way you can! Watch soon for instruments you can make for your little one to use!

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