
Sunday, May 3, 2015

Pajama Project Sunday

We have a routine Monday through Friday for my sanity but the weekends are much more flying by the seat of our pants which means I don't often have anything for the Bug to do- he's fine running around in the yard sometimes but sometimes he wants me to play WITH him and it helps me to have some sort of plan or idea!

So our newest addition on This Suburban Mom is Pajama Projects!

I've been waiting to make bird feeders with the Bug for a while and this morning, it seemed like the perfect opportunity to do it!

First we gathered our materials! We used empty toilet paper tubes, yarn, almond butter, and shell free birdseed. We also needed scissors, a hole punch, and a spoon/knife.
The Bug was really excited to dig into the almond butter and I wish I could tell you he didn't eat any... We first cut the yarn and punched holes in the sides of the toilet paper tubes.

Once all of the tubes had strings, the Bug smeared almond butter all over them (it was EVERYWHERE, be prepared!)

Then he rolled the tubes in the birdseed.

Once all of our bird feeders were completed, we went outside and hung them!

All in all a quick but pretty messy project. It took up about 30-45 minutes of our morning and the Bug had a blast (and a little snack...)

If you have a mouther (a kiddo who puts stuff in their mouths or might want a taste...) I highly recommend getting the shelled seeds- it was nuts and seeds but not a choking hazard!

Come back next week to check out our next Pajama Project!

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