
Sunday, December 7, 2014

Snow Day!

Tis the season and in New England, we're feeling it already! The weather turned to full on winter just before Thanksgiving and we got about 6 inches of snow in our area so the Bug got to try out all his snow gear!
My in-laws gave his Daddy's old sled and the Bug has enjoyed it since he can't walk in the snow...

After our snow play, we did some finger painting. Before we started I hot glued some snowflake designs onto the paper to give it an interesting texture and because paint doesn't stick to it.

I had tried an edible fingerprint recipe and it's not as awesome as Pinterest makes it out to be and it's not something that can be stored for long time use (I made a HUGE batch in every color) so that was sad.

There was lots of eating so I am on the lookout for nontoxic paints (I want to try these but I'm not sure they're cost effective...).

After a nap, I decided it was time to introduce play dough. At 10 months, he is younger than most but he's slowed down on eating things a bit so we tried!

Just making the play dough was quite the sensory experience- the Bug helped measure and mix the ingredients. 

1 cup flour
1/4 cup salt
1/2 cup water 
food coloring

Mix the flour and salt together. (This matters because the salt absorbs the water to give you the dough!) Add food coloring to water then mix slowly into flour mixture adding more water or flour if needed. (We often need to add more water or flour until we get the right consistency.) 

The Bug enjoyed using some winter cookie cutters with the play dough.

He did eat some but I know what's in it so I wasn't worried.

Mommy thought it would be fun to build a snowman so we added some sprinkles to our play which the Bug thought was pretty neat!

And Captain Destructio strikes again!

The play dough lasted about 20 minutes which surprised me! He did keep trying to eat it but he really liked exploring it so we'll be trying out play dough again soon!

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