
Thursday, December 4, 2014

Why Sensory Play is Important for Babies, Toddlers, and Kids!

I came across someone with a kiddo the same age as the Bug asking why sensory play is important and I realized that all through my time as a preschool teacher, the importance of sensory play was expressed but never explained. Even with my MAEd program, it was never fully explained so I did some internet research because I know it's important but I needed to be able to explain WHY it's important!

Babies come into the world expecting to explore through their senses- they touch/feel, see, taste, smell, and hear everything going on around them. It's how they learn so increasing their opportunity to learn is every parent's dream! Highscope (a childhood education company) describes sensory play as "food for the brain" creating stimulation that brain development.

As babies grow into toddlers, they start to learn about cause and effect and sensory play has major benefits. "What happens when I dump this cup of sand?" "What happens when I shake a cup of rice?" As babies and toddlers explore, they develop fine motor skills through grasping at sand, rice, and other materials. Language skills thrive during the toddler years and sensory play can play into that by giving children a chance to describe what they see, hear, and feel in new ways.

These benefits continue as children grow- preschoolers continue to develop new language skills and start to explore more complex scientific reasoning and math skills. They can discover what happens when 2 things are mixed, explore measurement, and so much more.

We incorporate as much sensory play into our days as possible. The Bug LOVES sensory boards and we've been making and using them since he was about 3 months old! I rarely buy things for them and instead look around my house and ask my mommy friends if they have things I can use.
The Bug and his first sensory board! 

A slightly more involved sensory board (though mostly fabric scraps from my mom!) but this one is still used almost daily!
A Christmas themed sensory board made at the suggestion of a friend!

This is the first time the Bug sat up without us holding him up... He wanted to play with that sensory board enough to sit!!!

A nature themed sensory board! The Bug loves to be outside but sometimes the weather doesn't cooperate so he gets to explore (washed) items from outside!

The Bug and his first sensory bin! He hadn't developed a pincer grip so the rice just fell through his fingers meaning eating/choking wasn't an issue!

Before he could sit on his own! We use cookie sheets for everything- they're so versatile!!!

Playing with sand!

Edible water beads from Fun at Home with Kids!

Texture crawl!

Colored pasta with different shapes (Wacky Mac)

Water and Toobs animals!



Textured finger paints!


Oats and Cinnamon for an added scent sense!

All of these bins are baby safe (so taste safe) so get ready to get messy! If you are afraid of the mess or nervous, get a shower curtain liner that your kiddo can use to make a mess on because nothing can replace these sensory experiences!

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